by admin | Oct 9, 2017 | boiler, Business
In today’s world, too many energy solutions are available to be used for heating systems. With so many options available, sometimes it becomes difficult for people to determine which method is best for their house and family. Wood boilers are one of the options which are ready to provide energy solutions. If you are thinking about it or confused that you should invest in wood boilers or not, here are some of the facts about them that will help you make an informed decision.
- Renewable source: Biomass fuels are the future of energy consumption because they are easily available and can be replenished. Wood boilers are one of the leading options when we talk about using biomass fuels. For more, you can read about wood boiler Australia which will take care of energy saving.
- Cost efficient: With wood boilers, you can save your money. In fact, with some of the effective wood boilers, you can save up to 70 percent of your heating costs. No doubt, the carbon footprint is reduced and with its high effectiveness and some of them being virtually emission-free, you are secured in your investment. It is estimated that thousands of dollars can be saved using wood boilers in place of any other fossil fuel alternatives.
- Real and natural heat: From ages, it is understood and felt that the warmth generated by wood is better than anything else. No matter which type of wood boiler you are using, whether it is at the fireplace or in the form of floor-radiant heating, you will always feel the difference between wood-generated heat and the heat generated from other fuels.
- Support form newly emerging technologies: The newly emerging technologies are providing a competitive edge to the modern heating appliances (most of them functioning on gas or electricity). Those technologies can also be applied to enhancing and improving the processing of wood boilers. So, your investment will be secure in wood boilers.
- Easy installation: There are different types of boilers present in market these days. They can be used as per the requirement and convenience. There is a wide range of options from which you can choose. For example, outdoor wood boilers with their cost efficient heating systems can be used along with the interior heating systems that are currently in use at most places.
- Clean-burning: Unlike the traditional wood stoves used for heating, many of the manufacturers today are focused on designing clean burning and pollution free wood boilers with central heating systems. These wood boilers are contributing for the benefits of both the environment and the economy.
How to choose: Since there are a variety of options available in the market, you may get confused while making a decision. Before investing, find out your requirements and preferences. Choose the suitable wood boilers according to those preferences. Some designs are more efficient while others are able to produce the greater amount of heat. No doubt, there are dozens of parameters which determine the overall performance, but some factors are necessary for the selection of wood boilers. Some of those factors may be the quality of exhaust system and furnace doors.
So, in a nutshell, we can say that wood boilers are revolutionizing the heating methods used in our homes. The modern outdoor wood boilers come with efficient and independent heating facilities without any of the detrimental side effects. This way it has overshadowed the traditional wood stoves which are used to produce indoor air pollution, unpleasant odours, and fire/safety risks. So if you are looking to invest in a wood boiler for heating your home, the outdoor wood boiler can be perfect for you. You can go for wood boiler Australia if you are planning to invest in wood boilers.
by admin | Sep 11, 2017 | boiler, Business, Gasification Boiler
By the turn of the 21st century, two parallel processes occurred that led to the proliferation of gasification technology. The first process was an increasing acceptance of the climate change and a desire to reverse the negative impact of it. The second process was the constant rise of crude oil price. These needs demanded an alternative that would be both climate friendly as well as cost effective. The answer, of course, was gasification technology.
The gasification process involves heating of biomass at very high temperatures of more than 700° Celsius without sufficient air. This process makes the combustion incomplete and leads to the production of different fuel gases like hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and others. The produced gases are collectively called syngas, and they are combustible and act as an excellent source o f renewable source of energy.
In the past gasification technology was used as an internal combustion engine for automobiles, however, in the modern time, the primary purpose of gasification technology has been limited to heating. To fulfill this, primarily wood gasification boiler is used.
Wood gasification boiler is advantageous over conventional boiler in many respects.
- They are highly efficient as compared to other heating systems.
- This technology is very simple to use.
- The produced syngas is very clean, as very less soot is produced and this makes the maintenance and cleaning of the boiler a less frequent occurrence.
- Wood gasification boilers emit very low amount of particulate matter. This reduces the need for air filtering systems that are so necessary for other heating systems.
- The carbon footprint of these boilers is very less. So it has the added advantage of being climate friendly.
As with all other things, even wood gasification boilers have some disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantages is its large size. This also makes this technology less mobile and thus adding to its disadvantage. The process involves heating wood at high temperatures and hence takes some amount of time at the beginning of its operation. However, this disadvantage has been eliminated by introducing programmable circuit, which enables the user to start sometime before the required time. The gasification of wood produces a substance called wood tar, and its cleaning requires a dedicated water treatment. Anyhow, despite these disadvantages, people have gladly accepted this technology as one of their primary source of heating needs; this is evident from the increasing popularity of wood gasification boilers in Australia and also in other parts of the world.
Due to the increasing popularity of wood gasification in Australia, a large number of different services have originated that takes care of all your heating needs.
Kroll Heaters Australia is the answer of all your heating requirements. They specialize in providing hydronic heating, which operates on gasification technology and has multitude of features to enhance your comfort. All products of Kroll are made from high quality materials that are expected to work at their full efficiency.
by admin | Jul 28, 2017 | boiler, Hydronic Boilers
The wood heating has already made comeback for a few years now. This is not surprising given that it is an economical and ecological solution. High-performance wood-burning heating systems are available in a wide range of models, from stoves to boilers. Such is the case with the wood-fired boiler.
Wood: a fuel with many qualities
The firewood is a very advantageous fuel since its use and its acquisition will pose you no problem. In addition to its natural and ecological appearance, it can achieve significant savings. Indeed, it costs less than any other energy source such as gas, fuel oil or electricity. In addition, it can be in various forms: wood-logs, wood pellets, forest chips and shredded wood.
How does a wood boiler work?
The operating principle of a wood-fired boiler remains the same, regardless of the fuel used. Thus, burning wood produces energy that is used to produce hot water for housing purposes. On the one hand, there is the hot water of your heating network that feeds the radiators of your home or your floor heating. On the other hand, it contributes to the production of domestic hot water for the needs of the bathroom and the kitchen.
What are the different types of wood boiler?
There are three models of wood-fired boilers: the wood-log boiler, the pellet boiler and the shredded wood boiler Australia.
In the first place, the log boiler is the most affordable model. Small volume, it is very easy to use. For its performance, it can reach up to 85%.
Secondly, the pellet boiler is the most efficient model with a thermal efficiency between 85 and 95%. Moreover, it is very quiet equipment that offers a comfort of use of the most pleasant. This installation also has a very long autonomy which can be up to several months. Like the pellet stove, it is equipped with a tank that ensures its automatic feeding.
Finally, the boiler with shredded wood or with wood chips also offers a very exceptional yield which can be between 75 and 90%. Like the pellet boiler, it incorporates a silo for a better autonomy.
Some information about choosing firewood
The performance of your heating appliance depends very much on the characteristics of the fuel you are using. Use the following tips to choose your wood.
Wood species are classified into two major families according to their density:
- Hardwoods (oak, beech, ash, chestnut, charm, walnut, fruit trees, etc.)
- Coniferous and softwoods (spruce, fir, pine, larch, poplar, willow, etc.)
Hardwood hardwoods are the most popular for domestic heating, with the exception of the chestnut tree which bursts on burning. Soft and resinous hardwoods burn faster! If they are poorly stored, they degrade rapidly. Softwoods are nevertheless appreciated for their rapid rise in temperature.
Wet wood burning is not recommended for various reasons:
- Environmental issues: the burning of “green” wood releases many pollutants;
- Economic: a damp wood provides about half as much energy as a dried wood;
- Practical: high-performance appliances will not reach their rated power with fresh wood. The material will get dirty faster and may deteriorate.
by admin | Jun 16, 2017 | boiler, Gasification Boiler, Hydronic Boilers
They are designed for burning wood and charcoal on the principle of gasification generator by an exhauster fan sucking the flue gases of the boiler.
The boiler body is manufactured as a welded steel plate quality a thickness of 6 to 3 mm piece. It consists of two chambers situated one above the other, the top serves as fuel tank, as the lower combustion chamber and ash pan. Among them is a new rotary screen is protected with patent, allowing perfect coal gasification, either separately or in common and easy ash removal. In the rear of the body of the boiler there is a vertical flue gas channel equipped with a valve on top. The top of the flue gas channel has a shot nozzle to connect with fireplace.
Wood Gasification Boilers are the modern version of the wood burning stove that burns the wood completely and leave no smoke, ash or creosote. The boiler saves up to 70% of your energy bills when installing on a plinth, radiant or forced air heating system.
Advantages of gasification boilers
- Possibility of burning large pieces of wood
- Possibility of burning coal and wood separately or together
- Great fuel tank -time long combustion
- High efficiency of 81 to 87% depending on the type – the primary and secondary air is preheated to high temperatures
- ecological combustion
- exhauster fan – dust collection ash, boiler room smokeless
- Cooling loop against overheating – without the risk of damaging the boiler
High quality
As a human nature, you have many expectations of whatever you own or benefit from. If a product or service meets your expectations, you buy or take advantage of this product or service. You should not expect much, but you can expect at least four benefits of Wood Boiler Gasification that you are going to buy. Look at those expectations.
Revolutionary Performance
The boiler you want to buy should give an outstanding performance. The Gasification boiler offers impressive performance at the low demand and transforms production to meet demand. Also, it promotes the flexible use of fuel and gives clean and efficient heat.
Safe and repairable
You all want to use the wood boiler which is safe and can be repaired according to requirements. You will satisfy your wish and demand by using the optimal quality wood oven. Such an oven is simple and safe. You can repair and use it for a longer period. You should not buy the boiler frequently.
The wood gasification boiler comes with an adaptive and intelligent adapter. It continues to optimize the performance of the boiler and informs you of the need for a service. You can believe in its intelligence and cleanliness if it is purchased from a reputable manufacturer or supplier.
It is certain that you would not want to invest your hard earned money in buying wood stoves over and over again. So, we advise you to expect for a longer life span of the boiler you want to buy.
by admin | Jun 5, 2017 | boiler, Business, Gasification Boiler
Biomass boilers need a silo for bio fuel storage located near the boiler. From it, an endless screw or suction feeder, takes it to the boiler, where the combustion takes place. The fuel must be stored at an inclination of about 45 ° for proper insertion into the boiler.
The combustion chamber is the whole area where combustion takes place in a boiler, and in which three parts can be clearly distinguished:
The first is the area where the fuel is mixed with the primary air and, by means of a partial combustion, the biomass is gasified, that is, it is transformed into a combustible gas. In the case of stoves or gasification boiler of efflorescence (load from below) would be equivalent to the crucible, in burners would be the fixed grid and in large boilers the mobile grid.
The second is the area where you can clearly see a flame and where the secondary air usually enters.
And finally, the third composed by the rest of the chamber where there is no visible flame. This part continues to produce combustion, but the oxidation concentration is low and invisible to the naked eye, although it is a key area for the reduction of CO and unburned. In some chambers, this space is separated and then called the post-combustion chamber.
As a general rule, the combustion chambers have an optimum working temperature range between 600 and 900°C. Below that temperature, the unburned and CO increase very clearly. On the contrary, above that temperature, NO levels are triggered by oxidation of the nitrogen in the air, and also cause the need to use more resistant and expensive materials in the construction of the chambers.
The temperature of the flame depends on the moisture, density and calorific value of the material to be burnt, which causes it to be much higher or much lower.
The heat generated during this combustion (in this case of natural fuel) is transmitted to the water circuit in the exchanger built into the boiler. The hot water generated is used for heating and sanitary hot water, air conditioning of swimming pools, etc. The heating can be by any of the conventional water systems, for example, under floor heating, radiators or fan coils.
Advanced models include switching on and cleaning the automatic heat exchangers as well as automatic extraction and compression of the ash so they have to be removed a few times a year. Some manufacturers even offer to monitor and control the operation of the boiler.
When burning biomass some ash is produced, which is usually collected automatically in an ashtray that must be emptied about four times a year. The amount generated depends mainly on the fuel used and the power of the gasification boiler.
To optimize the operation of the biomass boiler, we can install an accumulator (depending on the use of the boiler and the manufacturer), which will store the heat in a similar way to a solar energy system.
As you see, they require many more elements than a fossil fuel boiler, and here we have not named many of them. It is therefore logical that they are more expensive, but the price of solid biofuel, much cheaper than conventional fossil fuels will make you recover the initial investment very soon.
by admin | May 9, 2017 | boiler, Industrial business
Wood pellets have been used for years to burn stove, but they are now also used for generating required heat in homes and offices.
This is done with the help of wood pellet boilers – the boilers in which wood pellets are used for producing heat. These serve as a central heating system.
How does it work?
Wood pellets are stored in a different area than the room in which boiler is located. Different ways are available to convey the pellets from the storage facility to the boiler room. There are different techniques for combustion in these boilers.
These boilers are used with one of the following systems:
- Hot Water radiant system i.e. hydronic system
- Hydro-air system
- Forced hot air system
- Baseboard
- The level of convenience and comfort with a wood pellet boiler is same as the conventional boilers which use fossil fuels.
- Pellets are not bulky, unlike firewood, and hence are easy to use.
- Wood pellets are easily available.
- Wood pellets are cheaper than fossil fuels, thereby making this system the economical option.
- Pellets are a renewable and carbon-neutral fuel source.
- The pellet oven in these boilers, warm up slowly, which decreases their fuel efficiency.
- These boilers are less convenient than oil or gas boiling systems.
- In some cases, the efficiency is affected negatively if the boiler operates with partial load.
Key facts:
- The system regulates the fuel input so as to match the required heat output.
- To improve efficiency and decrease pollution, pellet boilers of latest technology control combustion either via a temperature or flame space sensor along with a suck-blow fan.
- It is very necessary to keep the pellets dry as even slightly wet pellets can affect the efficiency of the boilers.
These boilers can be used either as a stand-alone heat source or as a primary heat source supported by a secondary boiler serving as a backup or even as a supplementary heat source.
Thus, wood pellet boilers have proved to be the energy-efficient, environment-friendly and cost-effective for fulfilling heating needs of the people.
If you are keen in knowing more about these and get the one with latest features and design for your residential or commercial property, feel free to contact us today.
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